A gradle project configured with wrapper version 3.5. This gradle wrapper version works properly when import as project in Intelij IDEA 2017.1 and IDEA war artifact are available.
I tried to update gradle wrapper version to 4.0.2 and IDEA could not configure artifacts, it shows this Warning:
Warning:<i><b>root project 'dummy-trunk': Web Facets/Artifacts will not be configured properly</b>
Details: org.gradle.internal.typeconversion.UnsupportedNotationException: Cannot convert the provided notation to a File or URI: .
The following types/formats are supported:
- A String or CharSequence path, for example 'src/main/java' or '/usr/include'.
- A String or CharSequence URI, for example 'file:/usr/include'.
- A File instance.
- A Path instance.
- A URI or URL instance.</i>
Maybe someone with the same problem?
I don't know how to get more info about the warning.
I tried to run > gradlew idea -d
but this debug ouput do not show the warning.
Solved with IDEA 2017.2.1 + Gradle Wrapper 4.0.2
Thx to @CrazyCoder for your suggestion.