I have number of validators assigned to a formControl with formControlName as firstName. How to know which validation is giving error so that I can give appropriate message
Following is my custom made validation function for required
export function required() {
return function(control:FormControl)
var value: string = control.value;
value = value.trim();
if(value.length == 0)
return {required:true};
return null;
and using is like this
<md-error [hidden]="!firstName.errors.required || (!firstName.touched && !submitted)">
Name is required
I get the following error
ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'required' of null
<md-error *ngIf="firstName.hasError('required') && (firstName.touched || submitted)">
Please enter the required field
this worked for me.
firstName.errors.required doesnt work
thank you for all the help.
if there are multiple validation fails and multiple messages then u can show only the first error message by adding in css
md-error:not(:first-of-type) { display: none; }