I am working on some reseaech which subject is to find a proper way to represent a hierarchical structure on a simple web page. Precision : It's a huge amount of data.
Let have some contextualisation first : Let say you have a company which is composed departements which contains several employees...
What is commonly used :
Tree architecture :
But I don't like it because if you have a huge amount of data, expanding and collapsing if you are looking for several objects it might be tricky...
2 others approaches that might bring some flexibility :
Circles Mode :
and Nodes Mode :
One functionality that I think can help the final user is an Elastic Search bar, but the goal here is to bring some flexibility for the user to navigate through the structure.
I wants to use JSF but the technology doesn't really matter here, it'sa conceptual phase.
Please share your opinons, ideas, trails... ?
It sounds like you are looking for Tree drawing algorithms. Let me give a short overview:
In graph drawing, you can basically describe a drawing by three groups of properties:
Your drawing conventions, i.e. how the nodes and edges are represented in your visualization. Possible choices are:
Some aesthetics you want to optimize, i.e.
You might also place some constraints on your nodes or edges, e.g. fix certain nodes to a position, enforce certain edge lengths or similar ideas.
Now that I've explained the basics, let me list some approaches:
and twopi
Most if not all of these techniques are described and visualized in the Tree-drawing chapter of the Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization by Tassima et. al.