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How to check from where the column value is populating

I have table TEST_ORD where i have column ORD_DAYID which is virtual column. I want to know from where and how the value in this coumn is populating. Because i cant use this column in insert statement as it is virtual column.

I tried the below query but its not giving me the information from where and how the value in the column is populating:

Select * from all_source where upper(TEST) like '%TEST_ORD_ID%';


  • The expression used to generate the virtual column is listed in the DATA_DEFAULT column of the [DBA|ALL|USER]_TAB_COLUMNS views.

    For eg:

    Created table with virtual column which wil be populated as per the definiton.

    CREATE drop TABLE virtab(
      id          NUMBER,
      first_name  VARCHAR2(10),
      last_name   VARCHAR2(10),
      salary      NUMBER(9,2),
      comm1       NUMBER(3),
      comm2       NUMBER(3),
      salary1     AS (ROUND(salary*(1+comm1/100),2)),
      salary2     NUMBER GENERATED ALWAYS AS (ROUND(salary*(1+comm2/100),2)) VIRTUAL,
      CONSTRAINT employees_pk PRIMARY KEY (id)


    select *  from DBA_TAB_COLUMNS where table_name = 'VIRTAB' and column_name = 'SALARY2'


    SQL> select DATA_DEFAULT from DBA_TAB_COLUMNS where table_name = 'VIRTAB' and column_name = 'SALARY2';