I inject an Adapter using Dagger 2 without context and it is working, but I am not able to do when I am passing context parameter. Error is coming like this
error: android.content.Context cannot be provided without an @Provides-annotated method.
Dagger Component
@Component(dependencies = ApplicationComponent.class, modules = MainFragmentModule.class)
public interface MainFragmentComponent {
void inject(MainFragment mainFragment);
Context provideContext();
Fragment Module
public class MainFragmentModule {
private MainFragmentContract.View mView;
private Activity mActivity;
Context mContext;
MainFragmentModule(MainFragmentContract.View view, Context context) {
mView = view;
mContext = context;
MainFragmentContract.View providesView() {
return mView;
Context provideContext() {
return mContext;
public ConversationAdapter(MainFragmentPresenter mainPresenter, Context context) {
mMainFragmentPresenter = mainPresenter;
mContext =context;
You have told dagger, that you are providing a specific context:
Context provideContext();
And then you are asking dagger to inject your adapter with another type of context - one, which is not annotated with @ActivityContext
Instead, you should explicitly define, that you are willing to provide exactly that type of context:
public ConversationAdapter(..., @ActivityContext Context context) {