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Check if windows explorer already opened on given path

How can I see if windows explorer is already opened with certain path ? I don't want my application opens many duplicated windows. I was unable to do it with this way :

  H: hwnd;
  if FileExists(edt8.Text) then
    H := FindWindow(0, PChar(ExtractFilePath(edt8.Text)));
    if H <> 0 then
      ShowMessage('explorer already opened')//explorer bring to front
      ShellExecute(Application.Handle, nil, 'explorer.exe',
        PChar(ExtractFilePath(edt8.Text)), nil, SW_NORMAL);


  • IShellWindows::FindWindowSW method

    There is a nice method FindWindowSW that should find an existing Shell window, which includes Windows Explorer windows as well, I'd say. So, in a hope I'll find an existing window easily I wrote this code:

      ActiveX, ShlObj, SHDocVw, ComObj;
    function IDListFromPath(const Path: WideString): PItemIDList;
      Count: ULONG;
      Attributes: ULONG;
      ShellFolder: IShellFolder;
      OleCheck(ShellFolder.ParseDisplayName(0, nil, PWideChar(Path), Count, Result, Attributes));
    function GetExplorerHandle(const Path: WideString): HWND;
      IDList: PItemIDList;
      Unused: OleVariant;
      Location: OleVariant;
      ShellWindows: IShellWindows;
      OleCheck(CoCreateInstance(CLASS_ShellWindows, nil, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IShellWindows, ShellWindows));
      Unused := Unassigned;
      IDList := IDListFromPath(Path);
      PVariantArg(@Location).vt := VT_VARIANT or VT_BYREF;
      PVariantArg(@Location).pvarVal := PVariant(IDList);
      ShellWindows.FindWindowSW(Location, Unused, SWC_EXPLORER, Integer(Result), SWFO_INCLUDEPENDING);

    But it never finds the Windows Explorer window with the given folder path (it always returns 0). I've used SWC_EXPLORER class to search only for Windows Explorer windows, build the absolute ID list, used a proper VT_VARIANT | VT_BYREF variant for location (at least I hope so, if not, please let me know). And I also tried to return IDispatch by including the SWFO_NEEDDISPATCH option (method always returned nil reference). So I gave up on this method (haven't found any example).

    IShellWindows enumeration

    The following code was inspired by this article and this example. Here is a scheme:

    1. IShellWindows.Item(n)
    2. ⤷ IDispatch.QueryInterface(IWebBrowserApp)
    3.   ⤷ IWebBrowserApp.QueryInterface(IServiceProvider)
    4.     ⤷ IServiceProvider.QueryService(STopLevelBrowser, IShellBrowser)
    5.       ⤷ IShellBrowser.QueryActiveShellView
    6.         ⤷ IShellView.QueryInterface(IFolderView)
    7.           ⤷ IFolderView.GetFolder(IPersistFolder2)
    8.             ⤷ IPersistFolder2.GetCurFolder
    9.               ⤷ ITEMIDLIST

    And some description:

    1. As first you obtain the IShellWindows interface reference and iterate its items.

    2. For each item, the IShellWindows interface returns window's IDispatch interface which you then query for an IWebBrowserApp interface reference.

    3. The obtained IWebBrowserApp interface (for documentation refer to IWebBrowser2, as it's their implementation) provides except others also the information about the host window, like handle which can be later used for bringing the window to foreground. We need to go deeper though. So let's query this interface reference for the IServiceProvider interface (which is an accessor for getting interfaces for the given service).

    4. Now from the top-most browser implementation service query its IShellBrowser interface. A reference of this interface is still not interesting for our aim.

    5. The obtained IShellBrowser query for the displayed Shell view object.

    6. Now we can finally say, if the iterated Shell window is not an Internet Explorer window. So far they were having common interfaces implemented. Now if we query the obtained IShellView for the IFolderView interface and it succeeds, it is not Internet Explorer and we can continue.

    7. Query the obtained IFolderView reference for the IPersistFolder2 interface for the currently displayed folder object.

    8. If we succeeded even there and we got IPersistFolder2 reference, let's get the ITEMIDLIST for the current folder object.

    9. And if we succeeded even with this last step, we have ITEMIDLIST of the currently displayed folder of a Windows Explorer instance (or the same interface implementor) and we can finally check if the obtained ITEMIDLIST equals to the one we parsed for the input path. If so, bring that window to foreground, if not, continue to the next iteration.

    And here is a Delphi code. I don't know how much do you need for your Delphi version; this was a bare minimum I've needed for D2009 (manually translated from Windows SDK 10.0.15063.0). It's not a best example; in real code you may prefer wrapping this into a class and have more flexible interface, but that's upon your design preference. And finally, if you have Delphi newer than 2009, you may not need the imported prototypes, if older, you might be missing some:

      ActiveX, ShlObj, SHDocVw, ComObj;
    { because of Win32Check }
      IID_IFolderView: TGUID = '{CDE725B0-CCC9-4519-917E-325D72FAB4CE}';
      IID_IPersistFolder2: TGUID = '{1AC3D9F0-175C-11D1-95BE-00609797EA4F}';
      IID_IServiceProvider: TGUID = '{6D5140C1-7436-11CE-8034-00AA006009FA}';
      SID_STopLevelBrowser: TGUID = '{4C96BE40-915C-11CF-99D3-00AA004AE837}';
      IFolderView = interface(IUnknown)
        function GetCurrentViewMode(out pViewMode: UINT): HRESULT; stdcall;
        function SetCurrentViewMode(ViewMode: UINT): HRESULT; stdcall;
        function GetFolder(const riid: TIID; out ppv): HRESULT; stdcall;
        function Item(iItemIndex: Integer; out ppidl: PItemIDList): HRESULT; stdcall;
        function ItemCount(uFlags: UINT; out pcItems: Integer): HRESULT; stdcall;
        function Items(uFlags: UINT; const riid: TIID; out ppv): HRESULT; stdcall;
        function GetSelectionMarkedItem(out piItem: Integer): HRESULT; stdcall;
        function GetFocusedItem(out piItem: Integer): HRESULT; stdcall;
        function GetItemPosition(pidl: PItemIDList; out ppt: TPoint): HRESULT; stdcall;
        function GetSpacing(var ppt: TPoint): HRESULT; stdcall;
        function GetDefaultSpacing(out ppt: TPoint): HRESULT; stdcall;
        function GetAutoArrange: HRESULT; stdcall;
        function SelectItem(iItem: Integer; dwFlags: DWORD): HRESULT; stdcall;
        function SelectAndPositionItems(cidl: UINT; var apidl: PItemIDList; var apt: TPoint; dwFlags: DWORD): HRESULT; stdcall;
      EShObjectNotFolder = class(Exception);
    function ILGetSize(pidl: PItemIDList): UINT; stdcall;
      external 'shell32.dll' name 'ILGetSize';
    function ILIsEqual(pidl1: PItemIDList; pidl2: PItemIDList): BOOL; stdcall;
      external 'shell32.dll' name 'ILIsEqual';
    function InitVariantFromBuffer(pv: Pointer; cb: UINT; out pvar: OleVariant): HRESULT; stdcall;
      external 'propsys.dll' name 'InitVariantFromBuffer';
    function CoAllowSetForegroundWindow(pUnk: IUnknown; lpvReserved: Pointer): HRESULT; stdcall;
      external 'ole32.dll' name 'CoAllowSetForegroundWindow';
      rsObjectNotFolder = 'Object "%s" is not a folder.';
    { this parses the input folder path and creates ITEMIDLIST structure if the given
      folder path is a valid absolute path to an existing folder }
    function GetFolderIDList(const Folder: string): PItemIDList;
      SFGAO_STREAM = $00400000;
      Count: ULONG;
      Attributes: ULONG;
      ShellFolder: IShellFolder;
      Attributes := SFGAO_FOLDER or SFGAO_STREAM;
      OleCheck(ShellFolder.ParseDisplayName(0, nil, PWideChar(WideString(Folder)), Count, Result, Attributes));
      if not ((Attributes and SFGAO_FOLDER = SFGAO_FOLDER) and (Attributes and SFGAO_STREAM <> SFGAO_STREAM)) then
        raise EShObjectNotFolder.CreateFmt(rsObjectNotFolder, [Folder]);
    { translated from the link mentioned in this comment; D2009 does not allow me to
      create an OleVariant of type VT_ARRAY|VT_UI1 which is needed for the Navigate2
      method so I've imported and used the InitVariantFromBuffer function here }
    procedure OpenNewExplorer(IDList: PItemIDList);
      Location: OleVariant;
      WebBrowser: IWebBrowser2;
      OleCheck(CoCreateInstance(CLASS_ShellBrowserWindow, nil, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IWebBrowser2, WebBrowser));
      OleCheck(CoAllowSetForegroundWindow(WebBrowser, nil));
      OleCheck(InitVariantFromBuffer(IDList, ILGetSize(IDList), Location));
        WebBrowser.Navigate2(Location, Unassigned, Unassigned, Unassigned, Unassigned);
      WebBrowser.Visible := True;
    { translated from the link mentioned in this comment }
    procedure BrowseInExplorer(const Folder: string);
      I: Integer;
      WndIface: IDispatch;
      ShellView: IShellView;
      FolderView: IFolderView;
      SrcFolderID: PItemIDList;
      CurFolderID: PItemIDList;
      ShellBrowser: IShellBrowser;
      ShellWindows: IShellWindows;
      WebBrowserApp: IWebBrowserApp;
      PersistFolder: IPersistFolder2;
      ServiceProvider: IServiceProvider;
      SrcFolderID := GetFolderIDList(Folder);
        OleCheck(CoCreateInstance(CLASS_ShellWindows, nil, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IShellWindows, ShellWindows));
        { iterate all Shell windows }
        for I := 0 to ShellWindows.Count - 1 do
          WndIface := ShellWindows.Item(VarAsType(I, VT_I4));
          { do not use OleCheck here; windows like Internet Explorer do not implement
            all the interfaces; it is the way to distinguish Windows Explorer windows
            actually; so let's get all the references and if we succeed, check if the
            obtained folder equals to the passed one; if so, bring that window to top
            and exit this procedure }
          if Assigned(WndIface) and
            Succeeded(WndIface.QueryInterface(IID_IWebBrowserApp, WebBrowserApp)) and
            Succeeded(WebBrowserApp.QueryInterface(IID_IServiceProvider, ServiceProvider)) and
            Succeeded(ServiceProvider.QueryService(SID_STopLevelBrowser, IID_IShellBrowser, ShellBrowser)) and
            Succeeded(ShellBrowser.QueryActiveShellView(ShellView)) and
            Succeeded(ShellView.QueryInterface(IID_IFolderView, FolderView)) and
            Succeeded(FolderView.GetFolder(IID_IPersistFolder2, PersistFolder)) and
            Succeeded(PersistFolder.GetCurFolder(CurFolderID)) and
            ILIsEqual(SrcFolderID, CurFolderID) then
            { restore the window if minimized, try to bring it to front and exit this
              procedure }
            if IsIconic(WebBrowserApp.HWnd) then
              Win32Check(ShowWindow(WebBrowserApp.HWnd, SW_RESTORE));
            {$IFNDEF IBelieveThatIWebBrowserAppVisiblePropertyBringsWindowToFront}
            OleCheck(CoAllowSetForegroundWindow(WebBrowserApp, nil));
            WebBrowserApp.Visible := True;
        { the procedure was not exited, hence an existing window was not found, so go
          and open the new one }

    Possible usage:
