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Servicemix ActiveMQ performance issue

I am using apache servicemix and apache activeMQ in my product. Here in case of HttpConnector i found a performance issue.

If i increase number of total request at a time then as the number will increase exchange queue gets stuck on any of the component. After all the requests start processing, most of the exchange gets stuck at the end component or at the dispatcher* component. Container's heap size reaches to very high and after some time it crashes and restarts automatically.

I have used transactionmanager also. flowname is also mentioned as jms.

need some solution urgently.


  • You might try using KahaDB instead of the "amqPersistenceAdapter". We saw a huge throughput increase just by switching to this.

    here is the config we used (which is highly dependent on your application, but make sure "enableJournalDiskSyncs" is set to false)

            <kahaDB directory="../data/kaha"
                indexCacheSize="1000" />