I set state in constructor this.state = {};
, but prevState
argument in calculateState
method is null. Where should I set initial state of container?
class QuestionnairesContainer extends Component {
static getStores() {
return [QuestionnairesStore];
static calculateState(prevState) {
return {
questionnairesList: QuestionnairesStore.getState().questionnairesList,
pagingObject: prevState.pagingObject
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
pagingObject: someData
render() {
return (
export default Container.create(QuestionnairesContainer);
I have found a solution on flux GitHub.
static calculateState(prevState) {
const init = prevState ? {} : {
pagingObject: someData,
return {
questionnairesList: QuestionnairesStore.getState().questionnairesList
constructor(props) {