I created 3 models as below, and used cocoon nested form to create associations between them.
class Unit < ApplicationRecord
has_many :mapping_categories, -> { distinct }, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :unit
accepts_nested_attributes_for :mapping_categories,
allow_destroy: true,
reject_if: :all_blank
class MappingCategory < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :unit
has_many :mapping_items, -> { distinct }, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :mapping_category
accepts_nested_attributes_for :mapping_items,
allow_destroy: true
class MappingItem < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :mapping_category
has_many :mapping_item_links
has_many :linked_mapping_items, through: :mapping_item_links, dependent: :destroy
Each mapping_item can have many other mapping_items through a joint table. In every mapping_item section in Unit form, this association is displayed as a select input.
When creating or updating Unit, there are many mapping_categories tabs in the Unit form, and there are many mapping_items sections in each mapping_category section.
For example, I have Mapping Category A and Mapping Category B. I want to add Mapping Item 1 to Mapping Category A and Mapping Item 2 to Mapping Category B. The question is: How to create the association between Mapping Item 1 and Mapping Item 2, as these two items are not saved yet? Thanks in advance.
From my understanding of your question... You can't. These items don't yet have ids and there for can't be associated with another model.
> contact = Contact.new(full_name: "Steve", email:"example@asdf.com")
=> #<Contact id: nil, full_name: "Steve", email: "example@asdf.com", created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
> invoice = Invoice.new(contact_id: contact.id, invoice_type: "Something")
=> #<Invoice id: nil, contact_id: nil, invoice_type: "Something" created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
> invoice.save
=> false