I am trying to run two hooks synchronously on Feathersjs but the "addHost" function called by the statement "hook.service.find({ query: { active: '1' } }).then(page => page.data.forEach(addHost));" in the first hook is executing after the second hook. I need that all statements in hook1 finished before starting hook2. What I am doing wrong? thanks in advance! My code is the following:
module.exports = function (options = {}) {
return function hook1 (hook) {
hook.service.find({ query: { active: '1' } }).then(page => page.data.forEach(addHost));
function addHost(client) {
/* Some code here.... */
console.log('This code is executing at the end');
module.exports = function (options = {}) {
return function hook2 (hook) {
/* Some code here.... */
console.log('This code is executing first');
xxx.hooks.js file
module.exports = {
/* Some code here.... */
after: {
all: [],
find: [],
get: [],
create: [hook1(), hook2()],
update: [],
patch: [hook1(), hook2()],
remove: []
/* Some code here.... */
This code is executing first
This code is executing at the end
You don't want the hook to execute synchronously but you want the asynchronous operation to finish before continuing on. This can be done by returning a Promise as documented in the asynchronous hook API docs in your case like this:
module.exports = function (options = {}) {
return function hook1 (hook) {
return hook.service.find({ query: { active: '1' } })
.then(page => page.data.forEach(addHost))
.then(() => {
// Always return the `hook` object or `undefined`
return hook;