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Reformat Load fails in Clearcase 7.1.26

This is a follow on from op - Moving Vobs between Win and AIX Due to the aix and win vob servers sharing resources (common CC reg & Common Admin PVOB on the Aix box) we need to amalgamate these vob servers onto the AIX server as a precursor to our ultimate move to new servers at CC8.

on the Win VOb Server we have locked the vob, run vob_siddump then a reformat dump of the vob. Then using xcopy we copied the dumped vob.vbs from Windows to AIX vob server run the fix_prot on the new server.
But when we run the reformatvob -load it goes through it's steps Shows "Loader Done" then shows the following errors

Error from vob database /vobstore/vobs/vobname.vbs. 
Error Trouble Opening the VOB Database /vobstore/vobs/vobname.vbs, 
Error Trouble Loading versioned object base /vobstore/vobs/vobname.vbs. 

Because of the shared registry is this due to the existing registry entry and we need to unregister and then rmtag before registering and tagging fresh or do we need to do anything further?

Clearcase logs on aix vob server show:

DB Log - Error process not running on registery specified hostname (old win vob server)
Vob Log - shows unix UID and GID messange and Warning unable to verify mount options in vob tag registry Clearcase Object not found


  • David, there are a few things you need to do here:

    1. unregister the VOB and remove all the tags that refer to the old server
    2. reregister and retag the vobs at the new location.
    3. If you can't register the VOB, run fix_prot -r -root ... to reset the ownership and try again.
    4. run vob_sidwalk to remap object ownership.
    5. run it again with -recover_filesystem to reset container ownership. Alternatively run checkvob -pool -protections -fix -force {vob storage dir}.

    The last step really needed to be started on the Windows side before this started. Essentially, you needed a sid dump file to turn into the map file that the sidwalk needs (unless you want to remap everything to the VOB owner...)

    The complete procedure to follow is at Moving VOBs between Operating system types You may want to start fresh from there if you still have the VOB located in the old location.