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How do I get the return value of a Powershell script that is run in Excel VBA?

I am using Excel VBA to run a simple Powershell script that, when run in Powershell itself, returns one or two file names of some files within a given directory.

I can run this script from my VBA, but the return value is always some random integer. How do I get the script to return the file names that were returned through the Powershell script?

VBA to call script:

 Dim weekly As String

 weekly = Shell("Powershell ""<location of powershell script.ps1>"" ")


Get-ChildItem "<directory to search in>" | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "<regex to find file name>"}

If I have missed any details, please ask.


  • I know this is way late but I wanted to let anyone else searching for this a way to do this. Have your powershell script write an output file:

    Get-ChildItem "Directory to Search" | Select-String -Pattern "what to seach for" | out-file "C:\output.txt"

    From there you can write this line by line to a variable:

    Sub test()
    Dim txtfile, text, textline As String
    txtfile = "C:\output.txt"
    Open txtfile For Input As #1
    Do Until EOF(1)
        Line Input #1, textline
        text = text & textline
    Close #1
    MsgBox text
    End Sub

    From there you can insert the text into a cell, or if preferred, you can write each line to an array and select each line individually if needed.