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d3.js fit scale to rgb() range of blue

Trying to fill rect colours on a bar chart by a scale,

  var x1 = d3.scaleTime()
    .domain([parseTime('00:00'), d3.max(data, function(d) {
      return d.value
    .range([2, 256]);

like this,

  .style('fill', function(d) {
          return "'rgb(0,0," + x1(d.value) + ")'"

Trying to range over the colour blue on the scale d.value

I'm getting black at the moment, presumable a default colour.



  • You can simplify this, d3 scales can interpolate between colors, so you could use code such as :

     var x1 = d3.scaleLinear()

    You could also use:

     var x1 = d3.scaleLinear()

    And then use the scale to color to the rectangles directly:

    .style('fill', function(d) { 
              return x1(d.value);

    Also, yes, black is the default color. For sake of demonstration in the snippet, I'm using a linear rather than date scale:

    var svg ="body")
    var x1 = d3.scaleLinear()
    var x2 = d3.scaleLinear()
    var rects = svg.selectAll(null)
      .attr("fill",function(d) { return x1(d); })
      .attr("y",function(d) { return Math.floor(d/10) * 12; })
      .attr("x",function(d) { return d % 10 * 12; })
    var rects = svg.selectAll("null")
      .attr("fill",function(d) { return x2(d); })
      .attr("y",function(d) { return Math.floor(d/10) * 12; })
      .attr("x",function(d) { return d % 10 * 12 + 130 ; })
    <script src=""></script>