Search code examples

Loop over partially numbered files in Fortran

I want to loop over filenames in a directory ./dir1/. The files in this directory partially follow a numbered pattern, for example

  • data001_abjdfsd.dat
  • data002_dchuwe.dat
  • data003_jnvkfi.dat

and so on. The first 8 characters follow a numbered pattern, the formats are all ".dat", and the rest of the string is arbitrary. Note that the string length in the filename is not fixed. I can probably do it easily in shell script using wildcards. How do I loop over these files in Fortran 90?


  • Here is a complete platform-independent (but not idiot-proof!) solution to the problem (should work in Linux/Windows/Mac). Note that you will need Fortran 2008 compiler. The function getFileList(searchText,order,excludeText) in the following module will give you a list of files in the current directory (or the directory that is given in searchText). Note that searchText will be passed to the command line environment to seach for the files. So, wildcards could be used for file search. The two other arguments are optional: order determines in what order the files should be listed. Only two orders are supported in this function: name and date. The third argument excludeText is a text that you don't want to exist in any of the files to be listed by the function. On the output, the function returns a structure of type dynamicString that contains a list of all the requested files, in the order requested, each of which may have a different name length. I have enclosed a test file at the bottom of this response.

    module ModFileList
      implicit none
      integer, parameter, private :: maxFileRecordLength = 2047
      type DynamicString
        character (len=:), allocatable :: record
      end type DynamicString
      function getFileList(searchText,order,excludeText)
        implicit none
        character(len=*)   , intent(in)           :: searchText
        character(len=*)   , intent(in), optional :: order
        character(len=*)   , intent(in), optional :: excludeText
        type(DynamicString), allocatable          :: getFileList(:)
        character(len=:)   , allocatable          :: command,filename,orderLowerCase
        character(len=maxFileRecordLength)        :: record
        integer                                   :: iunit,counter,iostat,nRecord,nskip
        character(8)                              :: date
        character(10)                             :: time
        logical                                   :: exist
        if (present(order)) then
          orderLowerCase = getLowerCase(order)
          orderLowerCase = 'name'
        end if
        if (getSlash()=='\') then  ! it's Windows cmd
          if (orderLowerCase=='name') then  ! ascending in name
            command = 'dir /b /a-d ' // searchText
          elseif (orderLowerCase=='date') then   ! oldest will be first
            command = 'dir /b /a-d /o:d ' // searchText
            write(*,*) '    FATAL: In Misc@getFileList()'
            write(*,*) '           The requested file order is not supported.'
            write(*,*) '           order = ', orderLowerCase
            write(*,*) 'Program aborted.'
          end if
          if (present(excludeText)) then
            command = command // " | findstr /v /i " // trim(adjustl(excludeText))
          end if
          if (orderLowerCase=='name') then  ! ascending in name
            command = 'ls -1 ' // searchText
          elseif (orderLowerCase=='date') then   ! oldest will be first
            command = 'ls -tr ' // searchText
            write(*,*) '    FATAL: In Misc@getFileList()'
            write(*,*) '           The requested file order is not supported.'
            write(*,*) '           order = ', orderLowerCase
            write(*,*) 'Program aborted.'
          end if
          if (present(excludeText)) then
            command = command // " --ignore=" // trim(adjustl(excludeText))
          end if
        end if
        ! generate a brand new, non-existing filename
        counter = 0
          counter = counter + 1
          call date_and_time(date,time)
          filename = date // '_' // time // '_' // 'getFileList_' // int2str(counter) // '.temp'
          inquire(file=filename,exist=exist)    ! check if the file already exists
          if (exist) cycle
        end do
        call execute_command_line(command//' > '//filename)
        nRecord = getNumRecordInFile(filename)
        ! check filename is not among records
        nskip = 0
        do counter = 1,nRecord
          read(iunit,'(A)',iostat=iostat) record
          if(iostat==0) then
            if(filename==trim(adjustl(record))) nskip = nskip + 1
            write(*,*) '    FATAL (1): In Misc@getFileList()'
            write(*,*) '               Error occurred while reading file.'
            write(*,*) 'Program aborted.'
          end if
        end do
        do counter = 1,nRecord
          read(iunit,'(A)',iostat=iostat) record
          if(iostat==0) then
            if (filename/=trim(adjustl(record))) getFileList(counter)%record = trim(adjustl(record))
            write(*,*) '    FATAL (2): In Misc@getFileList()'
            write(*,*) '               Error occurred while reading file.'
            write(*,*) 'Program aborted.'
          end if
        end do
        if (getSlash()=='\') then  ! it's Windows cmd
          command = 'del '//filename
          command = 'rm '//filename
        end if
        call execute_command_line(command)
      end function getFileList
      pure function getLowerCase(string)
        implicit None
        character(*), intent(in) :: string
        character(len(string))   :: getLowerCase
        character(26), parameter :: lowerCase = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', upperCase = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
        integer                  :: ic, i
        ! capitalize each letter if it is lowercase
        getLowerCase = string
        do i = 1, len(string)
            ic = INDEX(upperCase, string(i:i))
            if (ic > 0) getLowerCase(i:i) = lowerCase(ic:ic)
        end do
      end function getLowerCase
      function getNumRecordInFile(filename)
        implicit none
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
        character(len=8)             :: record
        integer                      :: getNumRecordInFile,iunit,iostat
        getNumRecordInFile = 0
          read(iunit,'(A)',iostat=iostat) record
          if(iostat==0) then
            getNumRecordInFile = getNumRecordInFile + 1
          elseif(iostat<0) then
            write(*,*) 'FATAL error occurred reading file in Misc in getNumRecordInFile().'
            write(*,*) 'Program aborted.'
          end if
        end do
      end function getNumRecordInFile
      character(len=1) function getSlash()
        implicit none
        character(len=7) :: os
        call get_environment_variable('OS',os)
        if (os=='Windows') then
          getSlash = '\'
          getSlash = '/'
        end if
      end function getSlash
      pure function int2str(integerIn,formatIn)
        implicit none
        integer     , intent(in)           :: integerIn
        character(*), intent(in), optional :: formatIn
        character(:), allocatable          :: int2str
        integer                            :: i,length
        character(len=63)                  :: thisFormat
        if (present(formatIn)) then
          write(thisFormat,formatIn) integerIn
          int2str = trim(adjustl(thisFormat))
          do i=1,63
            if(abs(integerIn)<10**i) then
              length = i
              if (integerIn<0) length = length + 1
            end if
          end do
          allocate(character(length) :: int2str)
          write(thisFormat,'(1I63)') length
          thisFormat = '(1I' // trim(adjustl(thisFormat)) // ')'
          write(int2str,thisFormat) integerIn
        end if
      end function int2str
    end module ModFileList

    Here is test file for the above module:

    include 'mod_FileList'
    program main
    use ModFileList, only: getFileList, dynamicString, int2str
    implicit none
    type(dynamicString), allocatable :: FileList(:), SystemInfo(:)
    character(63) :: record
    character(len=127)            :: searchString
    character(len=:), allocatable :: dir,fileName,fileBase,FileExt,test
    logical                       :: exist
    integer                       :: i
    real*16                       :: dummy
    searchString = '*.f90'
    FileList = getFileList(searchString)
    if (size(FileList)==0) then
        write(*,*) 'no file detected'
        write(*,*) int2str(size(FileList)), " files detected containing ", trim(adjustl(searchString)), " :"
        do i = 1,size(FileList)
        write(*,*) FileList(i)%record
        end do
    end if
    end program main

    If you compile this test file and run it, the output should be something similar to the following:

    2 files detected containing *.f90 :