I have a document with the following structure
"id" : "abcdefg",
"sub" : {"field1" : "value1", "field3" : "value3"},
"profile" : {
"array" : [
{"score" : 1},
{"score" : 2},
{"score" : 3}
I want to filter on profile.score.score, I use the following
Document idQuery = new Document("id", new Document("$in", ids));
// ids is an array of id
Document idMatch = new Document("$match", idQuery);
Document projectArray = new Document("$project", new Document("id",1).append("profile.array", 1).append("sub", 1));
Document unwindArray = new Document("$unwind", "$profile.array");
Document filterQuery = new Document("profile.array.score", new Document("$gte", 2));
Document filterMatch = new Document("$match", filterQuery);
Document groupResult = new Document("$group", new Document("_id", "$id").append("array", new Document("$push", "$profile.array")).append("sub", new Document("$push", "$sub")));
List<Document> pipeLineList = new ArrayList<Document>();
AggregateIterable<Document> result = companyProfiles.aggregate(pipeLineList);
By doing above, I have the result with
"id" : "abcdefg",
"sub" : [
{"field1" : "value1", "field3" : "value3"},
{"field1" : "value1", "field3" : "value3"}
"profile" : {
"array" : [
{"score" : 2},
{"score" : 3}
The sub field was inserted twice as elements in an array, which is not what I want. What should I do to have the correct result
"id" : "abcdefg",
"sub" : {"field1" : "value1", "field3" : "value3"},
"profile" : {
"array" : [
{"score" : 2},
{"score" : 3}
Change your $group
stage to use $first
instead of $push
to avoid duplicates.
Document groupResult = new Document("$group", new Document("_id", "$id").append("array", new Document("$push", "$profile.array")).append("sub", new Document("$first", "$sub")));
Alternatively you can refactor your code to use $filter
which replaces $unwind
+ $match
+ $group
Document idQuery = new Document("id", new Document("$in", ids));
Document idMatch = new Document("$match", idQuery);
Document filterQuery = new Document("$gte", Arrays.asList("$$profilearray.score", 2));
Document filterArray = new Document("$filter", new Document("input", "$profile.array").append("as", "profilearray").append("cond", filterQuery));
Document projectArray = new Document("$project", new Document("id",1).append("profile.array", filterArray).append("sub", 1));
List<Document> pipeLineList = new ArrayList<Document>();