I was wondering how can I validate the existence of a registry path?
This is the code I am using and I would like to know how I can validate the existence of PATH
string PATH = @"SOFTWARE\GT37\0010\";
RegistryKey registryKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(PATH);
From description you provided it seems you want to verify that registry key
exists ?
Please note that User-specific settings will be written to HKCU\Software and machine-specific settings to HKLM\Software. Based on your scenario you might want to check both.
Anyhow, in order to check whether a key exists or not you just try to get it's value like this
var key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\GT37\0010");
// if you want to check under HKLM
//var key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\GT37\0010");
if (key == null)
// Key does not exist
// Key exists proceed with your logic