I'm trying to get OpenCover working for our asp net core project, targeting full framework 461. We are using XUnit as the testing framework. However when I run my powershell script, the result only shows coverage on the test classes in my test folders and not coverage on the classes inside source folder.
How do I get coverage on those files?
My solution is structured like this src/API and test/API.UnitTests
The important port my script looks like this:
&$openCoverPath\OpenCover.Console.exe `
-target:$xunitPath\xunit.console.x86.exe `
-targetargs:".\test\API.UnitTests\bin\Debug\net461\API.UnitTests.dll -noshadow -nologo" `
-register:user `
-oldstyle `
-mergeoutput `
-hideskipped:File `
-searchdirs:".\test\API.UnitTests\bin\Debug\net461\" `
# Generate HTML report from results with ReportGenerator
&$reportGeneratorPath\ReportGenerator.exe `
-reports:$coverageReportFile `
in the api csproj file did the trick.