I have two dataProvider's for one DropDownList. The following code can be compiled and run.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
public function flipLast():void {
if( last ) {
list.dataProvider = dp1;
list.selectedItem = "Flex";
} else {
list.dataProvider = dp2;
list.selectedItem = "Catalyst";
last = !last;
public var last:Boolean = true;
public var dp1:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [ "Flex", "Air" ] );
public var dp2:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [ "Catalyst", "FlashBuilder" ] );
<s:DropDownList id="list" requireSelection="true" />
<s:Label id="listSelectedItem" text="{list.selectedItem}" />
<s:Label id="listSelectedIndex" text="{list.selectedIndex}" />
<s:Button label="Flip" click="flipLast()" />
Scenario 1: dataProvider updated, but selectedIndex is the same. At startup: [ listSelectedItem=Flex, listSelectedIndex=1 ]. Click Flip: dataProvider is updated, but still [ listSelectedItem=Flex, listSelectedIndex=1 ].
Scenario 2: dataProvider updated, selectedIndex is also updated. At startup: [ listSelectedItem=Flex, listSelectedIndex=1 ]. Select Air from list: [ listSelectedItem=Air, listSelectedIndex=2 ]. Click Flip: dataProvider is updated, but still [ listSelectedItem=Catalyst, listSelectedIndex=1 ].
Seems to me that selectedItem is driven by selectedIndex. selectedItem updates only when selectedIndex updates. Shouldn't selectedItem be updated when dataProvider is updated? Is binding to selectedItem flawed?
Perhaps you are right in assuming it is broken.. I won't judge on that. The fix for your problem is pretty simple though, change the flip function to reset selected index, thereby triggering data-change on the list, and eventually binding on your components:
public function flipLast():void {
list.selectedIndex = -1;
if( last ) {
list.dataProvider = dp1;
list.selectedItem = "Flex";
} else {
list.dataProvider = dp2;
list.selectedItem = "Catalyst";
last = !last;