I am using UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum()
to save images to the photo album of the device.
I have my images in an array and they are displayed on a PageControl
A download icon on the navigationBar
saves the image to Photos
I am able to save the image to Photos
but the image saved is incorrect i.e. the image at the particular index is not saved. This is how I am adding all images to the page-control....
func scrollImagesWhileViewChange() {
for i in arrayOfURLImages {
self.pageControl.size(forNumberOfPages: arrayOfURLImages.count)
let scrollViewWidth:CGFloat = self.scrollView.frame.width
let scrollViewHeight:CGFloat = self.scrollView.frame.height
let index = arrayOfURLImages.index(of: i)
let imageA = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(x: CGFloat(index!) * scrollViewWidth, y:0,width:scrollViewWidth, height:scrollViewHeight))
imageA.image = i
self.imageToDownload = imageA
self.scrollView.contentSize = CGSize(width:self.scrollView.frame.width * CGFloat(arrayOfURLImages.count), height:self.scrollView.frame.height)
self.scrollView.delegate = self
self.pageControl.numberOfPages = arrayOfURLImages.count
self.pageControl.currentPage = 0
In the section self.imageToDownload = imageA
, I am assigning the image to a UIImageView
variable. And this is how I am saving to 'Photos'..
UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(self.imageToDownload.image!, self, #selector(MyViewController.image(_:didFinishSavingWithError:contextInfo:)), nil)
Here the first parameter should get the correct index. But I am not able to figure out how...
When you click download button you need to figure out the current index of page control and then on basis of current index fetch right image from arrayOfURLImages
and then save to photo album.
Try this-
UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(arrayOfURLImages[self.pageControl.currentPage], self, #selector(MyViewController.image(_:didFinishSavingWithError:contextInfo:)), nil)