Search code examples

Material 2 - autocomplete not showing options

I am trying to implement md-autocomplete of material-2 in angular. The way its suppose to work is when the user starts typing it would make an http call to get the data and will display in options. I am able to make the http calls but for some reason it wont show it in options.

Html :

  <input mdInput placeholder="Search drug" [mdAutocomplete]="auto" [formControl]="drug" showPanel="false">

<md-autocomplete #auto="mdAutocomplete" [displayWith]="displayFn">

  <md-option *ngFor="let drug of filteredDrugs | async" [value]="drug.drugname">
    {{ drug.drugname}}

TS :

export class DialogAutoComplete {
  drug: FormControl;
  drugList = [];
  filteredDrugs: any;

  constructor(public dialogRef: MdDialogRef<DialogAutoComplete>, private getData: GetData) {
    this.drug = new FormControl();
    //this.filteredDrugs = 
    this.filteredDrugs = this.drug.valueChanges.startWith(null)
      .map(drugname => {

        return Array.of(this.getDrugs(drugname)) || [{}];

  getDrugs(val: string) {
    console.log("filterdrugs is called ", val);
    return val ?
      // this.drugList.filter(option => option)
        (response: Response) => { console.log(response); return response || []; },
        (err) => console.log(err)

      : [{ drugname: "No Such drug found" }];
  displayFn(drug) {
    console.log("displayfn => ", drug);
    return drug == null ? drug : drug.drugname;

Below is the response of the http call.

enter image description here

Demo plunker with a different api call but similar response and setup. plunker

Appreciate the help.


  • Make the filteredDrugs an observable which gets its data from any service (HttpService) in the format you want .

    Async as defined by you *ngFor="let drug of filteredDrugs | async" helps to take the value of filterDrugs during runtime and hence filteredDrugs needs to be an Observable.

    Helpful link : AutoComplete tutorial