I'd like to parse one XML document using XMLReader. I have a case switch with all the Constants. However, if a Tag is self-closing XMLReader only fires ELEMENT, not ELEMENT and than END_ELEMENT like expected.
Detection through class property $isEmptyElement does also not work because the tag has attributes.
Therefore my question: How to detect a self-closing XML tag with XMLReader in PHP?
Related but no solution: XmlReader - Self-closing element does not fire a EndElement event?
Example Node:
<mynode name="somenamestring" code="intstring" option="intstring3"/>
My Code:
$xmlWriter = new XMLWriter();
$xmlWriter->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$xmlWriter->setIndentString(' ');
while ($xmlReader->read()) {
switch ($xmlReader->nodeType) {
case 1: #element
if ($xmlReader->hasAttributes) {
while ($xmlReader->moveToNextAttribute()) {
if ($xmlReader->isEmptyElement) {
case 3: #text
case 4: #cdata
case 14: #whitespace
case 15: #end element
print('[WARN] NodeType not in case-switch: '.(string)$xmlReader->nodeType."\n");
Detection through class property $isEmptyElement does also not work because the tag has attributes.
That's simply wrong. An empty element with attributes is still empty and $isEmptyElement
will reflect that. The problem with your code is that you test $isEmptyElement
after moving to the attributes. This will change the current node to an attribute node which isn't an empty element. Something like the following should work:
$isEmpty = $xmlReader->isEmptyElement;
if ($xmlReader->hasAttributes) {
while ($xmlReader->moveToNextAttribute()) {
if ($isEmpty) {
Or, alternatively:
if ($xmlReader->hasAttributes) {
while ($xmlReader->moveToNextAttribute()) {
if ($xmlReader->isEmptyElement) {