Search code examples

getting Notice: Undefined index: text in .... at line 4

4:$textik = $_POST['text'];

and im getting

notice: Undefined index: text in path/to/script on line 4.


the url is
Thanks for answers

edit: full script in path/to/script is

    $textik = $_POST['text'];
    $time = date('h:i', time()); 
    $fp = fopen("log.html", 'a');
    fwrite($fp, "<li class='other'>
      <div class='msg'>
          <div class='user'>".$_SESSION['name']."</div>

and in path/to/anotherscript is

session_start ();
function loginForm() {
    echo '
    <div id="loginform">
    <form action="index.php" method="post">
        <p>Please enter your name to continue:</p>
        <label for="name">Name:</label>
        <input type="text" name="name" id="name" />
        <input type="submit" name="enter" id="enter" value="Enter" />

if (isset ( $_POST ['enter'] )) {
    if ($_POST ['name'] != "") {
        $_SESSION ['name'] = stripslashes ( htmlspecialchars ( $_POST ['name'] ) );
        $fp = fopen ( "log.html", 'a' );
    $time = date('h:i', time());
        fwrite ( $fp, "<p class='notification'> ". $_SESSION ['name'] . " left the group <time>". $time."</time></p>" );
        fclose ( $fp );
    } else {
        echo '<span class="error">Please type in a name</span>';

if (isset ( $_GET ['logout'] )) {

    // Simple exit message
    $fp = fopen ( "log.html", 'a' );
    fwrite ( $fp, "<div class='msgln'><i>User " . $_SESSION ['name'] . " has left the chat session.</i><br></div>" );
    fclose ( $fp );

    session_destroy ();
    header ( "Location: index.php" ); // Redirect the user

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='new.css'>
<title>AZsites chat</title>
    if (! isset ( $_SESSION ['name'] )) {
        loginForm ();
    } else {
<div id="wrapper">
    <ol class="chat">
        <div class="menu">
            <a href="#" class="back"><i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i> <img src="" draggable="false"/></a>
            <div class="name">AZsites chat</div>
    <div class="members"><b><?php echo $_SESSION['name']; ?></b> a dalsi</div>
        if (file_exists ( "log.html" ) && filesize ( "log.html" ) > 0) {
            $handle = fopen ( "log.html", "r" );
            $contents = fread ( $handle, filesize ( "log.html" ) );
            fclose ( $handle );

            echo $contents;
    <div class="typezone">
<form name="message" action='' method='post'><textarea name="text" id="usermsg" size="63"type="text" placeholder="Napis neco"></textarea><input type="submit" class="send" value="odeslat"/></form>
<div class="emojis"></div></div>
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <script type="text/javascript">
// jQuery Document

//jQuery Document
    //If user wants to end session
        var exit = confirm("Are you sure you want to end the session?");
        if(exit==true){window.location = 'index.php?logout=true';}      

//If user submits the form
        var clientmsg = $("#usermsg").val();
        $.post("post.php", {text: clientmsg});              
        $("#usermsg").attr("value", "");
    return false;

function loadLog(){     
    var oldscrollHeight = $("#chatbox").attr("scrollHeight") - 20; //Scroll height before the request
        url: "log.html",
        cache: false,
        success: function(html){        
            $("#chatbox").html(html); //Insert chat log into the #chatbox div   

            var newscrollHeight = $("#chatbox").attr("scrollHeight") - 20; //Scroll height after the request
            if(newscrollHeight > oldscrollHeight){
                $("#chatbox").animate({ scrollTop: newscrollHeight }, 'normal'); //Autoscroll to bottom of div

setInterval (loadLog, 500);
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <script type="text/javascript">

so i need to have post because it run in background, normal user don't see it, but here it has an edit to see it, but i don't know how to edit it to normal state..... Please, help me... thanks!


  • You are using $_POST instead of $_GET. Your URL is http://somesite.domain/path/to/script?text=something and text is the GET parameter.

    So you need to change

    $textik = $_POST['text'];


    $textik = $_GET['text'];