I have below file which is the result of a json dump.
"fdd6a102-359c-4527-8469-4ef01a9c0076": "[\n {\n \"resource_status\": \"CREATE_COMPLETE\", \n \"resource_name\": \"i4_instance_internal_port\", \n \"resource_type\": \"OS::Neutron::Port\", \n \"physical_resource_id\": \"5db1d412-9a43-45c7-b72d-0dbe4eb16497\", \n \"updated_time\": \"2017-07-14T09:00:44\"\n }, \n {\n \"resource_status\": \"CREATE_COMPLETE\", \n \"resource_name\": \"i3_instance\", \n \"resource_type\": \"OS::Nova::Server\", \n \"physical_resource_id\": \"50375d90-5b57-412e-afe3-fdddefbd2f41\", \n \"updated_time\": \"2017-07-14T09:00:44\"\n }, \n {\n \"resource_status\": \"CREATE_COMPLETE\", \n \"resource_name\": \"i3_v1_instance_volume\", \n \"resource_type\": \"OS::Cinder::Volume\", \n \"physical_resource_id\": \"6750dc3d-e682-4a0c-a177-83a7252822fb\", \n \"updated_time\": \"2017-07-14T09:00:44\"\n }\n]\n"
This file is messed up I think. It is not in the right format. I researched on how to dump in json
def pp_another_json(myDict):
import io
to_unicode = unicode
except NameError:
to_unicode = str
# Write JSON file
with io.open('data.json', 'w', encoding='utf8') as outfile:
str_ = json.dumps(myDict,
indent=4, sort_keys=True,
class getstackList():
def getStackID(self):
stacks = get_objects('stacks')
myDict = {}
for stack in stacks:
myDict[stack.id] = subprocess.check_output(["openstack", "stack", "resource", "list", stack.id, "-f", "json"])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
The output of openstack stack resource list -f json comes in below format
"resource_status": "CREATE_COMPLETE",
"resource_name": "i4_instance_internal_port",
"resource_type": "OS::Neutron::Port",
"physical_resource_id": "5db1d412-9a43-45c7-b72d-0dbe4eb16497",
"updated_time": "2017-07-14T09:00:44"
"resource_status": "CREATE_COMPLETE",
"resource_name": "i3_instance",
"resource_type": "OS::Nova::Server",
"physical_resource_id": "50375d90-5b57-412e-afe3-fdddefbd2f41",
"updated_time": "2017-07-14T09:00:44"
Now my problems
It will be helpful if someone can explain me my json file. Or if not, please direct me to the links that could help me understand nested dictionaries
Edited : To fetch the value I did below and is giving me
ValueError: too many values to unpack
with open('data.json') as data_file:
data_loaded = json.load(data_file)
for key, value in data_loaded:
Your JSON dump can be viewed as a simple dictionary in python. So for your first part you can use the following :
import json
#Assuming 'mydict' contains the json dump
with open('out.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(mydict, outfile)
Now coming to the second part, suppose for the first element (fdd6a102-359c-4527-8469-4ef01a9c0076") in your example you need to access the 'resource-status' key of the first element in the list, you simply need to use the following:
More information can be found here.
For your final part, you view this answer on nested JSON.