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Mockito/PowerMockito - Mock a method that receives Lambda expression as a parameter

I want to mock the following method. But I don't find any Mockito.Matchers for the second parameter which uses Java.util.Function.

public List<String> convertStringtoInt(List<Integer> intList,Function<Integer, String> intToStringExpression) {

I am looking for something like this:



  • If you only want to mock the Function argument then either of the following would work:

    Mockito.when(convertStringtoInt(Matchers.anyList(), Mockito.any(Function.class))).thenReturn(myMockedList);
    Mockito.when(convertStringtoInt(Matchers.anyList(), Mockito.<Function>anyObject())).thenReturn(myMockedList);

    Given a class, Foo, which contains the method: public List<String> convertStringtoInt(List<Integer> intList,Function<Integer, String> intToStringExpression) the following test case passes:

    public void test_withMatcher() {
        Foo foo = Mockito.mock(Foo.class);
        List<String> myMockedList = Lists.newArrayList("a", "b", "c");
        Mockito.when(foo.convertStringtoInt(Matchers.anyList(), Mockito.<Function>anyObject())).thenReturn(myMockedList);
        List<String> actual = foo.convertStringtoInt(Lists.newArrayList(1), new Function<Integer, String>() {
            public String apply(Integer integer) {
                return null;
        assertEquals(myMockedList, actual);

    Note: if you actually want to invoke and control the behaviour of the Function parameter then I think you'd need to look at thenAnswer().