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Performance of std::partial_sort() versus std::sort() when sorting the whole range?

Is there a significant difference between the following two approaches? Way 1 uses sort or partial_sort, depending on the size of the vector while way 2 always uses partial_sort. I find way 2 more appealing because my predicate is a bit more complicated than in the example, so I don't want to repeat it. But I wonder if partial_sort performs worse than sort because it is not meant to be used to sort the whole range, which is why I tend to use way 1.

int main()
  std::vector<double> vec;
  const size_t numBest = 3;
  const size_t numTotal= vec.size();

#if WAY1
  if (numTotal < numBest)
    std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::not2(std::less<double>()));
    std::partial_sort(vec.begin(), vec.begin() + numBest, vec.end(), std::not2(std::less<double>()));
#elif WAY2
    const size_t numMiddle = numTotal < numBest ? numTotal : numBest;
    std::partial_sort(vec.begin(), vec.begin() + numMiddle, vec.end(), std::not2(std::less<double>()));

  // now vec contains the largest numBest results.
  return 0;

Some testing yielded that partial_sort is significantly worse (factor of 4 in my usecase) than sort if if has to sort the whole range. This indicates that way 1 is to be preferred. It seems that partial_sort is only meant for sorting a small fraction of the whole range. I tested in Visual Studio 2010.


  • According to sgi doc, partial_sort uses heapsort, sort uses introsort:

    partial_sort(first, last, last) has the effect of sorting the entire range [first, last), just like sort(first, last). They use different algorithms, however: sort uses the introsort algorithm (a variant of quicksort), and partial_sort uses heapsort. See section 5.2.3 of Knuth (D. E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming. Volume 3: Sorting and Searching. Addison-Wesley, 1975.), and J. W. J. Williams (CACM 7, 347, 1964). Both heapsort and introsort have complexity of order N log(N), but introsort is usually faster by a factor of 2 to 5.

    So, it is normal partial_sort is 4 times slower than sort.

    I have checked my VS2017 library, and found the implementation of partial_sort and sort. And it is similar with SGI.


    template<class _RanIt,
        class _Pr> inline
    void _Partial_sort_unchecked(_RanIt _First, _RanIt _Mid, _RanIt _Last,
            _Pr& _Pred)
    {       // order [_First, _Last) up to _Mid, using _Pred
        if (_First == _Mid)
            return; // nothing to do, avoid violating _Pop_heap_hole_unchecked preconditions
        _Make_heap_unchecked(_First, _Mid, _Pred);
        for (_RanIt _Next = _Mid; _Next < _Last; ++_Next)
            if (_DEBUG_LT_PRED(_Pred, *_Next, *_First))
            {       // replace top with new largest
                _Iter_value_t<_RanIt> _Val = _STD move(*_Next);
                _Pop_heap_hole_unchecked(_First, _Mid, _Next, _STD move(_Val), _Pred);
        _Sort_heap_unchecked(_First, _Mid, _Pred);


    template<class _RanIt,
        class _Diff,
        class _Pr> inline
    void _Sort_unchecked1(_RanIt _First, _RanIt _Last, _Diff _Ideal, _Pr& _Pred)
    {       // order [_First, _Last), using _Pred
        _Diff _Count;
        while (_ISORT_MAX < (_Count = _Last - _First) && 0 < _Ideal)
        {   // divide and conquer by quicksort
            pair<_RanIt, _RanIt> _Mid =
                _Partition_by_median_guess_unchecked(_First, _Last, _Pred);
            _Ideal /= 2, _Ideal += _Ideal / 2;      // allow 1.5 log2(N) divisions
            if (_Mid.first - _First < _Last - _Mid.second)
            {       // loop on second half
                _Sort_unchecked1(_First, _Mid.first, _Ideal, _Pred);
                _First = _Mid.second;
            {       // loop on first half
                _Sort_unchecked1(_Mid.second, _Last, _Ideal, _Pred);
                _Last = _Mid.first;
        if (_ISORT_MAX < _Count)
        {   // heap sort if too many divisions
            _Make_heap_unchecked(_First, _Last, _Pred);
            _Sort_heap_unchecked(_First, _Last, _Pred);
        else if (2 <= _Count)
            _Insertion_sort_unchecked(_First, _Last, _Pred);        // small