Currently, we need to provide a windows client for our game user.
It works fine after we compile it with vs2010 on our development machine.
But when we send it to other pc, it has this 0x000007b error.
It is very similar to this question: 0xc000007b Error?
I figure out that:
It works fine if we have vs2010 and this
on that pc(not ok even when 2010 x86 Redistributable has been installed).
How can I install this 2010 x86 Runtime to our user's pc or what can I do to avoid this 0x000007b error?
The Visual Studio 2003 => 2010 used .net assembly technology to allow for side by side installation of different Visual Studio binaries.
This mechanism had some advantages
It also had complexities of understanding.
I would recommend install to your application local folder - this means the files are completely under your control. See msdn : deploy to local folder