Search code examples

Why does my complex 'mysql' query always returns query result 'count' as 0?

I am writing code for filter search where user selects atleast one option from a list of 3 checkboxes then I have to write a query for the selected options(checkboxes). If I try to run my code then I am getting "query result count as equals to zero which means $count=0". Previously when I wrote code for the first time it has worked fine but now its not working.

My form is :

<form id="my_form_id" method="post" action="{{ action('MyController@store') }}"">
<div class="form-group">
  <label><input type="checkbox" value="suppliers" name="suppliers">suppliers</label>
<div class="form-group">
  <label><input type="checkbox" value="campaign" name="campaign">campaign</label>
<div class="form-group">
  <label><input type="checkbox" value="clients" name="clients">clients</label>
<div class="form-group">
  <label for="start_date">From:</label><input type="text" name="startdate" id="startdate">
<div class="form-group">
  <label for="start_date">From:</label><input type="text" name="enddate" id="enddate">
<div class="form-group">
  <button type="submit" id="process" class="btn btn-primary submit">Run Report</button>

My MySql Table Structure & data is: lead_audit


ColumnName  DataType  Length
  id         int      11
supplier_id  int      11
source       varchar  255
client_id    int      11
campaign_id  varchar  255
data         text 
received     datetime
errors       blob
disposition  varchar  255

id  supplier_id  source  client_id  campaign_id  data  received       errors  disposition
1   6            6          1       56           ---   2017-07-07 11:19:25  False  Accepted
1   6            6          1       56           ---   2017-07-07 11:19:25  False  Accepted

My Query is below:

if(isset($request->suppliers) && $request->suppliers == 'suppliers'){
            $results->leftjoin('suppliers AS s', '', '=', 'l.supplier_id')
                    ->addSelect(' AS Supplier')
if(isset($request->source) && $request->source == 'source'){
            $results->addSelect('l.source AS Source')
            //$results->leftjoin('source AS so', '', '=', 'l.source_id')
if(isset($request->campaign) && $request->campaign == 'campaign'){
            $results->leftjoin('campaigns AS c', '', '=', 'l.campaign_id')
                    ->addSelect(' AS Campaign')
if(isset($request->clients) && $request->clients == 'clients'){
            $results->leftjoin('clients AS cl', '', '=', 'l.client_id')
                    ->addSelect(' AS Client')
$queryResults = $results->addSelect('l.disposition AS Disposition')
                ->selectRaw('COUNT(*) as Count')
                ->whereBetween('l.received', [$start, $end])
$count = count($queryResults);
echo "Count: ".$count;exit;

if($count > 0){
  $results = array_map(function($item) {
            return (array)$item;
        }, $queryResults);
  return Excel::create('my_excel_name', function($excel) use ($results) {
            $excel->sheet('sheet_name', function($sheet) use ($results) {
} else{
        \Session::flash('error','No data has been found.');
        return redirect('my_controller/create');

Resulting query is:

array:1 [▼
0 => array:3 [▼
"query" => "select `s`.`name` as `Supplier`, `l`.`source` as `Source`, `c`.`name` as `Campaign`, `cl`.`name` as `Client`, `l`.`disposition` as `Disposition`, COUNT(*) as Count from `lead_audit` as `l` left join `suppliers` as `s` on `s`.`id` = `l`.`supplier_id` left join `campaigns` as `c` on `c`.`id` = `l`.`campaign_id` left join `clients` as `cl` on `cl`.`id` = `l`.`client_id` where `l`.`received` between ? and ? group by `s`.`name`, `l`.`source`, `c`.`name`, `cl`.`name`, `l`.`disposition` order by `s`.`name` asc, `l`.`source` asc, `c`.`name` asc, `cl`.`name` asc, `l`.`disposition` asc ◀"
"bindings" => array:2 [▼
  0 => "2017-07-01"
  1 => "2017-07-08"
"time" => 149.01

If I print below:
echo "Count: ".$count;exit;

then o/p
  Array ( ) Count: 0

Why Am I getting $count value always '0'. What's wrong in my code?


  • It is too late to post an answer but I hope this may help someone. The mistake which I made is in giving start date and end date formats like below:


    $start = "2017-07-01"
    $end = "2017-07-08"

    But Actually I have to give the input like below:


    $start = "2017-07-01 00:00:00"
    $end = "2017-07-08 00:00:00"

    My problem is solved after adding time as "00:00:00" to start and end dates. Thanks everyone.