I was trying to solve a problem:
Print all paths of a binary tree, from root to leaf.
I wrote the following code, the result is correct:
public void printPath(TreeNode root) {
printDFS(root, new int[1000], 0);
private void printDFS(TreeNode r, int[] path, int idx){
if (r == null) return;
path[idx] = r.val;
/* if it's leaf, print path: from root to leaf */
if (r.left == null && r.right == null)
printOnePath(path, idx);
else {
/* go left, go right */
printDFS(r.left, path, idx);
printDFS(r.right, path, idx);
private void printOnePath(int[] path, int idx) {
for (int i = 0; i < idx; i++) {
System.out.print(path[i] + " ");
when I tried to use ArrayList to store the path data, instead of int[].
This method becomes wrong.
And the output results really lost me.
public void printPath(TreeNode root) {
printDFS(root, new ArrayList<Integer>(), 0);
private void printDFS(TreeNode r, List<Integer> path, int idx){
if (r == null) return;
path.add( r.val );
/* if it's leaf, print path: from root to leaf */
if (r.left == null && r.right == null)
printOnePath(path, idx);
else {
/* otherwise: go left, go right */
printDFS(r.left, path, idx);
printDFS(r.right, path, idx);
private void printOnePath(List<Integer> path, int idx) {
for (int i = 0; i < idx; i++) {
System.out.print(path.get(i) + " ");
First STDOUT is: (Correct)
10 5 3 3
10 5 3 -2
10 5 2 1
10 -3 11
Second STDOUT is: (Wrong)
10 5 3 3
10 5 3 3
10 5 3 3
10 5 3
I believe the initial ArrayList has already set as empty at the very beginning of each DFS. Why is the result totally different with an int array, even using the same method?
Does anyone know why? Thanks a lot!
I followed copy strategy as ajb mentioned(option #2 in this comment). Here is the modified code.
import apple.laf.JRSUIUtils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Created by anilwaddi on 8/1/17.
public class DFSTest {
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
DFSTest test = new DFSTest();
10 5 3 3
10 5 3 -2
10 5 2 1
10 -3 11
TreeNode root;
DFSTest() {
TreeNode node41 = new TreeNode(3, null, null);
TreeNode node42 = new TreeNode(-2, null, null);
TreeNode node43 = new TreeNode(1, null, null);
TreeNode node31 = new TreeNode(3, node41, node42);
TreeNode node32 = new TreeNode(2, node43, null);
TreeNode node33 = new TreeNode(11, null, null);
TreeNode node21 = new TreeNode(5, node31, node32);
TreeNode node22 = new TreeNode(-3, node33, null);
root = new TreeNode(10, node21, node22);
public void printDFS() {
public void printPath(TreeNode root) {
printDFS(root, new ArrayList<Integer>());
private void printDFS(TreeNode r, List<Integer> path ) {
if (r == null) return;
/* if it's leaf, print path: from root to leaf */
if (r.left == null && r.right == null)
printOnePath(path );
else {
/* otherwise: go left, go right */
List<Integer> newPathLeft = new ArrayList<>();
printDFS(r.left, newPathLeft);
List<Integer> newPathRight = new ArrayList<>();
printDFS(r.right, newPathRight);
private void printOnePath(List<Integer> path ) {
for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) {
System.out.print(path.get(i) + " ");
private class TreeNode {
TreeNode left;
TreeNode right;
Integer val;
TreeNode(Integer val) {
this.val = val;
TreeNode(Integer val, TreeNode left, TreeNode right) {
this.val = val;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;