I'm using Lumen for my project, currently the way I version my API is through prefixing and using a specific corresponding controller like so:
$api->get('/v1/users', 'App\Api\V1\Controllers\UserController@show');
$api->get('/v2/users', 'App\Api\V2\Controllers\UserController@show');
I want to change this, such that I take an argument from the user and use a controller based on that parameter.
This Route:
Should use this controller:
I'm currently using Dingo along side Lumen, is there anyway to do this with either Lumen or Dingo?
Yes, you can. But it's a little bit more complicated than in your example, but it's still a one-liner. Just define a closure and invoke your controller within it instead of passing the FQCN controller name directly.
$app->get("api/v{version}/users", function ($version) use ($app) {
return $app->make("App\Api\V{$version}\Controllers\UserController")->show();
If someone else is interested (as I was) how to achieve the same in an laravel installation: Just use the method Controller::callAction()
after the controller was resolved
Route::get("api/v{version}/test", function ($version) {
return app()->make('App\Api\V{$version}\Controllers\UserController')->callAction("show", [/* arguments */]);