I've tried to use some third-party services like ipify.com, but it's pretty easy to get Max retries
exception, because I'm sending a lot of requests.
So I've found a really simple way to get my IP through Google DNS (link). Here's the code:
import socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
s.connect(("", 80))
Also, I've read a few articles (link 1, link 2, link 3) and in my understanding, it's pretty easy to send HTTP GET
request via proxy with socket
But I can't understand, how can I merge this two techniques and connect to via proxy.
Need your help, thanks in advance.
You cannot merge those techniques because you're using DGRAM (UDP) sockets, and Tor only proxies TCP connections.
So you need to connect to a TCP-based server. The best choice would be your own server - it is fairly easy to set up something on AWS dumping SERVER_IP, and depending on your load it probably won't cost much - if anything. Or you can use free IP query servers, but rotate them (using different server in each request), to ensure you won't exceed the allowed threshold.