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DocuSign Send on Behalf of (SOBO) but without a Docusign Account

We have a DocuSign REST API application where a user authenticates and create Envelopes. Problem is that the emails being sent contains that user's Name/Email while we want to have the 'operating user's' info--which come from the application itself to show as Name/Email.

From my understanding, the 'operating user' must exist in DocuSign otherwise this will not work as intended? Our DocuSign account is not going to be tied into any CRM/SalesForce data.

Am I right? BTW, I think I can create some generic user and use that user to create/send Envelopes but that's not the preferred route.



  • You can only send requests on behalf of another account user, so yes the "operating user" is required to have a DocuSign account. Additionally, the operating user must be in the SAME DocuSign account as the sending user.

    When used the name/email address that will show will be the name/email address of the operating user in the account.

    Note that you need to enable the following two account settings to use SOBO:

    apiAccountWideAccess: Specifies that the user can send and manage envelopes for the entire account using the DocuSign API.

    allowSendOnBehalfOf: Specifies that the user can send envelopes and perform other tasks on behalf of other users through the API.

    See SOBO page in API Reference for more info: