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failed to render instance library not loaded [macOS]

I am getting the above error while trying to implement @IBDesignable in my class. I have tried all the online solutions like deleting derived date updating pod etc. But nothing is working for me. I am using cocoapods version 1.2.1 This is how my class looks

import Cocoa

@IBDesignable class ClassName: NSView {

    required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: coder)

    override init(frame frameRect: NSRect) {
        super.init(frame: frameRect)

    func commonInit(){
        wantsLayer = true;

    override func prepareForInterfaceBuilder() {
        layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor.darkGray.cgColor


This is how my podfile looks

source ''
platform :osx, ’10.11’

target 'ProjectName’ do
  pod 'SwiftDate', '~> 4.1.7’


This is the screenshot of the error i am getting enter image description here


  • in my target project i went to Runpath Search Paths and edited @loader_path/Frameworks to @loader_path/../Frameworks. Doing this fixed the issue for me.