Have been through official site, the whole process is very well documented for publishing extension : vscode publish extension
My doubt is regarding publish Language server(LSP) in vscode as file structure for LSP is different from that of Extension i.e extension just have Client but LSP has both Client and server directory separately as in LSP Code and Extension code.
Do i need to run vsce publish
separately in client
and server
directory ?
Have been through various answers in stackoverflow as here.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
You should only need to publish the extension itself (the client) and not the server.
The LSP example is a little weird because it shows the client and server folders side by side, whereas the server is actually a dependency of the client. You can either pull in the server as a node module or copy the server JS into the client like the example does. Then just run vsce publish
in the client to push everything up to the marketplace