I have the following traits:
trait Command
trait Status
trait Tr{
def getOpt(id: Long): Option[Status]
and the following maps:
private val chains: mutable.Map[Long, Tr] = mutable.HashMap()
private val commandsId: mutable.Map[Command, Long] = mutable.HashMap()
private val commands: mutable.Map[Long, Command] = mutable.HashMap()
I want to implement method:
def getStatus(cmd: Command) = commandsId.get(cmd).flatMap(chains.get).flatMap{tr =>
tr.status(id) //fail, Id was lost at commandsId.get(cmd) step
Is there a compact form of writing this? I suppose for-comprehension would help, but I'm not sure...
.flatMap { id =>
Or, with for
for {
id <- commandsId.get(cmd)
tr <- chains.get(id)
status <- tr.status(id)
} yield status