ts code
public showHelp() {
swal('Test').then((out) => {
}).catch((error) => console.log(error));
alert displays with no problems, but clicking on confirm button does not dismis the alert. alert also won't dismiss on outside click. pressing ESC or ENTER works fine. no errors throw ...
any idea why this will not accept click?
I have put breakpoints on these
// Mouse interactions
var onButtonEvent = function onButtonEvent(event) {
// Closing modal by close button
getCloseButton().onclick = function () {
// Closing modal by overlay click
container.onclick = function (e) {
in swal source, but they never get hit...
also tried setting target to something else than body
, with the same result.
I had the exact same issue and apparently this is what was giving me the problem:
.swal2-container:not(.swal2-in) {
pointer-events: none;
Just comment that line or change none to all (Although I don't know yet if it breaks anything else)
I'm using: