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How could I add css and js files via controller initialize action and page renderer?

I am using the new page renderer from TYPO3 8 on controller level to add extension specific CSS and JS files via an initializeAction:

public function initializeAction()
    $extPath = ExtensionManagementUtility::siteRelPath(

    $extJs = $extPath . 'Resources/Public/Js/ext_booking_manager.min.js';
    $extCss = $extPath . 'Resources/Public/Css/ext_booking_manager.css';

    /** @var PageRenderer $pageRenderer */
    $pageRenderer = $this->objectManager->get(PageRenderer::class);

        $extJs, 'text/javascript', false

This is working fine sometimes, but only sometimes. This means that sometimes the css file and js file will be properly added and sometimes if I reload the page then the files will not be added properly. Is there something wrong?

For older versions like TYPO3 7, I used something similar like this:

public function initializeAction()
    $extPath = ExtensionManagementUtility::siteRelPath(

    $extJs = $extPath . 'Resources/Public/Js/ext_booking_manager.min.js';
        $extJs, 'text/javascript', false


But this will not work for TYPO3 8 anymore. Any suggestions?


  • Notice that there is a different approach available in TYPO3 v8 using the HeaderAssets and FooterAssets sections in your template. Thus your action template could look like this:

    Your template code
    <f:section name="FooterAssets">
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="{f:uri.resource(path: 'Css/ext_booking_manager.css')}"/>
      <script src="{f:uri.resource(path: 'Js/ext_booking_manager.min.js')}"></script>

    This way you don't need any resource logic in your controller, thus your initializeAction() method can be dropped.

    BTW: I'd recommend using JavaScript as directory name for JavaScript resources to stay in line with TYPO3 conventions.