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How to get yarn install --offline with node-sass working?

I am trying to use yarn in offline mode because the build server I am using does not have access to yarn registry or

I found this article on how to use yarn in offline mode which works great until I added node-sass.

It appears even if you use yarn install --offline, node-sass will go to to download libsass.

Is there a way to instruct node-sass to use an offline version of libsass instead of going to


  • As @jonrsharpe pointed out, you need to use either --sass-binary-site, --sass-binary-name or --sass-binary-path to to tell node-sass where to find libsass. In my case I ended up using sass-binary-path.

    So the first thing I did was download the Windows version of libsass here. I downloaded the _binding.node version because I assumed the _binding.pdb version is a debugging file.

    I my case I created a .yarnrc that looks like the below:

    yarn-offline-mirror "////sharedrive//folder"
    yarn-offline-mirror-pruning true
    sass-binary-path "////sharedrive//folder//win32-ia32-47_binding.node"

    With the Windows version all / needed to be escaped with //. sass-binary-path needed the libsass binary at the end which in the above case is win32-ia32-47_binding.node.

    So with all that everything worked great.