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Inno Setup: Combo box on TInputQueryWizardPage

I create setup.exe for my program using Inno Setup. I want to get a drop down list (combo box) of existing databases in MS SQL Server. But I don't know, what custom wizard page I need to use. I created wizard page with authorization for servers.

How best to do it? My code:

  ServerDetailsPage: TInputQueryWizardPage;

procedure InitializeWizard;
  ServerDetailsPage := CreateInputQueryPage(wpSelectDir, 
    '', '', 'Please enter following data (SERVER) and click Next.');
  ServerDetailsPage.Add('IP Address (SERVER)', False);
  ServerDetailsPage.Add('Port Number (SERVER', False);
  ServerDetailsPage.Add('Domain Name\User Name (SERVER)', False);
  ServerDetailsPage.Add('Password (SERVER)', True);
  ServerDetailsPage.Values[0] := '';
  ServerDetailsPage.Values[1] := '';
  ServerDetailsPage.Values[2] := '';
  ServerDetailsPage.Values[3] := '';


  • There's no ready-made custom page with combo boxes.

    You have to replace the edit box (TPasswordEdit) with a combo box (TNewComboBox).

    Similarly to Multi-line edit in Inno Setup on page created by CreateInputQueryPage, the code would be like:

      ServerDetailsPage: TInputQueryWizardPage;
      ServerComboBox: TNewComboBox;
    procedure InitializeWizard;
      ServerDetailsPage :=
          wpSelectDir, '', '',
          'Please enter following data (SERVER) and click Next.');
      ServerDetailsPage.Add('IP Address (SERVER)', False);
      ServerDetailsPage.Add('Port Number (SERVER', False);
      ServerDetailsPage.Add('Domain Name\User Name (SERVER)', False);
      ServerDetailsPage.Add('Password (SERVER)', True);
      ServerDetailsPage.Values[0] := '';
      ServerDetailsPage.Values[1] := '';
      ServerDetailsPage.Values[2] := '';
      ServerDetailsPage.Values[3] := '';
      // Create TNewComboBox on the same parent control and
      // the same location as edit box
      ServerComboBox := TNewComboBox.Create(ServerDetailsPage);
      ServerComboBox.Parent := ServerDetailsPage.Edits[0].Parent;
      ServerComboBox.Left := ServerDetailsPage.Edits[0].Left;
      ServerComboBox.Top := ServerDetailsPage.Edits[0].Top;
      ServerComboBox.Width := ServerDetailsPage.Edits[0].Width;
      ServerComboBox.Height := ServerDetailsPage.Edits[0].Height;
      ServerComboBox.TabOrder := ServerDetailsPage.Edits[0].TabOrder;
      // Hide the original edit box
      ServerDetailsPage.PromptLabels[0].FocusControl := ServerComboBox;
      // Link the label to the combo box
      // (has a practical effect only if there were
      // a keyboard accelerator on the label)
      ServerDetailsPage.Edits[0].Visible := False;

    Now, to refer to combo box value, you, of course, cannot use ServerDetailsPage.Values[0] anymore. Use ServerComboBox.Text instead.

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