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Using accesskey in chrome triggers an "unauthenticated sources" warning

When using the accesskey attribute in chrome in order to create shortcuts on my website, it does not work because chrome says:

This page is trying to load scripts from unauthenticated sources (

the dialog

When accepting unauthenticated sources in the top right corner it works, but I don't want my users to have to do this. Should I use a javascript solution as a workaround? Is this a (chrome) bug?

<a href="" accesskey="h">HTML tutorial</a><br>
<a href="" accesskey="c">CSS tutorial</a>

The demo uses the c and h keys

edit: It seems that this problem only exists while using a href, because this demo works fine:

I have decided to just use something much better to handle this problem. I leave the question here in order for others to find and for attracting attention for a chrome developer to fix the issue.


  • It appears this is because w3schools redirect the links without a trailing '/' insecurely to the version with '/'. In their own example they also use the incorrect url which lead me to this confusion. So in short: don't redirect insecure if you want to us accesskey.