I want to add data-webm-clickable
in link_to
I tried
link_to(link_hash[:title],link_hash[:path].to_s, data: { webm-clickvalue: link_hash[:class]})
link_to(link_hash[:title],link_hash[:path].to_s, data: { webm: {clickvalue: link_hash[:class]}})
But none of them works
To include dash inside a key in Hash, you can either: surround it by quotes or use underscore.
Try this:
<%= link_to @link_hash[:title], @link_hash[:path], data: { 'webm-clickvalue': @link_hash[:class] } %>
or this:
<%= link_to @link_hash[:title], @link_hash[:path], data: { webm_clickvalue': @link_hash[:class] } %>
Note that qoutes this will work with ruby > 2.1, and undescore with Rails >= 4