I'm using MATLAB to generate 'phytrees' and I need to simplify them.
The way I thought is by removing subtrees where all the node has the same value and keep only this value + a number that represent how many nodes were deleted.
For example, here is one of the trees:
and I want to replace the subtrees that have the same values like here:
Is there a way to do so?
I did not find a programmatic way to do it, but from the picture you attached I see that you use plot
to view your figure. If instead, you'll use the phytreeviewer
(just type view(your_phylotree)
) you'll get a different figure window, with other related tools.
Specifically, you'll see the Collapse branch button , and the Rename branch button
, which will together get you exactly what you want. The first "removing subtrees" (actually hiding them), and the second lets you change the branch name to "value + a number".
You can do all this also by simply right-clicking in the relevant brunch:
Here is an example with data from the docs:
% bulding some tree:
seqs = fastaread('pf00002.fa');
distances = seqpdist(seqs,'method','jukes-cantor','indels','pair');
phylotree = seqneighjoin(distances,'equivar',seqs);
After some collapsing and renaming on this tree, and printing it to a figure (with right click on the most top branch, or the root, that you want to include in the figure), I got:
Also, note that every time you hover with the mouse on a branch (even if collapsed) you get a list of the Leafs in that branch and their count: