I'm new to ZeroMQ ( I've been using SQS so far ).
I would like to build a system where every time a user logs in, they subscribe to a queue. The all the users subscribed to this queue are interested only in messages directed to them.
I read about topic matching. It seems that I could create a pattern like this:
And, each worker ( user ) can subscribe to the queue and listen only to the topic they match. i.e. a player 234345345 on the development environment will only subscribe to messages with the topic development.player.234345345
Is this true?
And if so, what are the consequences in ZeroMQ?
Is there a limit on how many topic matching I can have?
ZeroMQ has a very detailed page on how the internals of topic matching works. It looks like you can have as many topics as you want, but topic matching incurrs a runtime cost. It's supposed to be extremely fast:
We believe that application of the above algorithms can give a system that will be able to match or filter a single message in the range of nanoseconds or couple of microseconds even it the case of large amount of different topics and subscriptions.
However, there are some caveats you need to be aware of:
The inverted bitmap technique thus works by pre-indexing a set of searchable items so that a search request can be resolved with a minimal number of operations.
It is efficient if and only if the set of searchable items is relatively stable with respect to the number of search requests. Otherwise the cost of re-indexing is excessive.
In short, as long as you don't change your subscriptions too often, you should be able to do on the order of thousands of topics at least.