I'm using Jukebox library to stream remote music. Musics that I stream are 60 min long. When I try to seek them, it takes like 30-40 seconds to play. I changed some codes in the library to make them play immediately for the first time. It worked, but it does not speed up seeking.
public func seek(toSecond second: Int, shouldPlay: Bool = false) {
guard let player = player, let item = currentItem else {return}
player.seek(to: CMTimeMake(Int64(second), 1))
if shouldPlay {
if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {
player.playImmediately(atRate: 1.0)
} else {
if state != .playing {
state = .playing
From your comment, I found that function calls everytime you slide the slider. For example It is called 50 times when you move slider from 0 to 50. So you need to create an eventhandler, which will look wen user stops sliding.
You can get answer from How to detect the end of slider drag answer.