I have this batch code and it works ONLY when the files do not have space in the name. What can I do to also find the files that include spaces in the name?
@echo off
echo.open localhost >file.tmp
echo.user user1 user1 >>file.tmp
echo.dir >>file.tmp
echo.bye >>file.tmp
FTP -n <file.tmp >output.tmp
Del file.tmp
echo.open localhost >file.tmp
echo.user user1 user1 >>file.tmp
FOR %%A IN (*.*) DO call :Existe %%A
echo.bye >>file.tmp
FTP -n <file.tmp >nul
DEL file.tmp
DEL output.tmp
Findstr /I %1 output.tmp > nul
IF NOT %ErrorLevel% == 0 ECHO.put %1 >>file.tmp
I also do that, but it does not work
Findstr /I /c:"%1" output.tmp > nul
IF NOT %ErrorLevel% == 0 ECHO.put "%1" >>file.tmp
^|find /V "%0"
@echo off
Set "Host=localhost" & If "%~1" neq "" Set "Host=%~1"
Set "User=user1" & If "%~2" neq "" Set "User=%~2"
Set "Pass=user1" & If "%~3" neq "" Set "Pass=%~3"
(echo.open %Host%
echo.user %User% %Pass%
) >file.tmp
FTP -n <file.tmp >output.tmp
Del file.tmp
(echo.open %Host%
echo.user %User% %Pass%
FOR %%A IN (*.*) DO call :Existe "%%A"
) >file.tmp
FTP -n <file.tmp >ftp.log
DEL file.tmp
DEL output.tmp
Echo:%~1|Findstr /I "\.tmp$ \.cmd$">NUL 2>&1 && Goto :Eof
Findstr /I "%~1" output.tmp >nul 2>&1 ||ECHO.put "%~1"