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Being able to drag around Dynamically created Panels

I keep seeing posts about adding Events to be able to drag around the panel. But how would i achieve this through a dynamically created Panel?

Panel pn = wch.GenerateWorkspaceControl(space.Name, space.Name, p);

        public Panel GenerateWorkspaceControl(string gbTitle, string gbName, Point gbPos)
        Panel pnl = GeneratePanelContainer(gbPos, new Size(300, 200));
        pnl.Controls.Add(GenerateLabel(gbName,new Point(100,1),new Size(135,115)));
        return pnl;

private Panel GeneratePanelContainer(Point loc, Size size)
        return new Panel() { BackColor = Color.Transparent, BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle, Location = loc, Size = size };

Do i add an event handler in the generate panel container?

to summarize i have a panel that is holding multiple panels that are dynamically created. I want to be able to move around the dynmaically created panels INSIDE the main panel.

Any ideas?


  • Here is a class that lets you make any control movable.

    Simply register it:

    MoveController.RegisterCtl( button1 );

    Now you can move the control..

    When done you can also unregister a control:

    MoveController.UnRegisterCtl( button1 );

    Here is the controller class:

    static class MoveController
        static List<Control> Controls = new List<Control>();
        static Control curCtl = null;
        static Point curStart = Point.Empty;
        static public void RegisterCtl(Control ctl)
            ctl.MouseDown += ctl_MouseDown;
            ctl.MouseMove += ctl_MouseMove;
            ctl.MouseUp += ctl_MouseUp;
        static public void UnRegisterCtl(Control ctl)
            if (Controls != null && Controls.Contains(ctl) )
                ctl.MouseDown -= ctl_MouseDown;
                ctl.MouseMove -= ctl_MouseMove;
                ctl.MouseUp -= ctl_MouseUp;
        static void ctl_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            curCtl = (Control)sender;
            curStart = curCtl.Location;
        static void ctl_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (curCtl != null)
                curCtl.Left +=  e.Location.X - curCtl.Width / 2;
                curCtl.Top  +=  e.Location.Y - curCtl.Height / 2;
        static void ctl_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            curCtl = null;


    Here is a more involved version that allows

    • to set a Tag value to restrict movement to vertical or horizontal
    • adding Actions for Moving and Moved events..

    class MoveController
        static List<Control> Controls = new List<Control>();
        static Control curCtl = null;
        static Point curStart = Point.Empty;
        static Dictionary<Control, Tuple<Action, Action>> 
            actions = new Dictionary<Control, Tuple<Action, Action>>();
        static public void RegisterCtl(Control ctl)
            RegisterCtl(ctl, null, null);
        static public void RegisterCtl(Control ctl, Action moveAction, Action movedAction)
            ctl.MouseEnter += Ctl_MouseEnter;
            ctl.MouseLeave += Ctl_MouseLeave;
            ctl.MouseDown += ctl_MouseDown;
            ctl.MouseMove += ctl_MouseMove;
            ctl.MouseUp += ctl_MouseUp;
            if (moveAction != null)
                if (actions.Keys.Contains(ctl)) actions[ctl] = new Tuple<Action, Action>(moveAction, movedAction);
                else actions.Add(ctl, new Tuple<Action, Action>(moveAction, movedAction));
        private static void Ctl_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ((Control)sender).Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
        private static void Ctl_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ((Control)sender).Cursor = Cursors.Default;
        public static void UnRegisterCtl(Control ctl)
            if (Controls != null && Controls.Contains(ctl) )
                ctl.MouseDown -= ctl_MouseDown;
                ctl.MouseMove -= ctl_MouseMove;
                ctl.MouseUp -= ctl_MouseUp;
            if (actions.ContainsKey(ctl)) actions.Remove(ctl);
        static public void RegisterMovingAction(Control ctl, Action action)
        static void ctl_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            curCtl = (Control)sender;
            curStart = curCtl.Location;
        static void ctl_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            int t = 0;
            if (curCtl != null)
                if (curCtl.Tag != null) t = Convert.ToInt32(curCtl.Tag);
                if ((t&1) != 1) curCtl.Left +=  e.Location.X - curCtl.Width / 2;
                if ((t&2) != 2) curCtl.Top  +=  e.Location.Y - curCtl.Height / 2;
                if (actions.ContainsKey(curCtl) && actions[curCtl] != null && actions[curCtl].Item1 != null)
        static void ctl_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (curCtl == null) return;  ///
            if (actions.ContainsKey(curCtl) && actions[curCtl] != null && actions[curCtl].Item2 != null)
            curCtl = null;