I have went through the Firebase Tutorial, I have implemented Firebase SDK + Dynamic links + Managed my app to support Associated Domains and everything works fine except that the dynamic link doesn't survive the installation.
I have created a dynamic link through Firebase console,
When app already installed, everything works fine. The dynamic link launch my app with the relevant content
When my app isn't installed, the dynamic link open the AppStore as expected and than I'm installing the app through Xcode, but nothing happens I don't receive any content on first launch.
What I did:
Any suggestions?
OK, so I found that somehow I'm using an old version of the Firebase SDK, so I updated the Firebase SDK + start working on the cellular instead of the Wi-Fi and everything works like a charm. Thanks to @Oleksiy Ivanov
@MKaro Can you add logging to your UIApplicationDelegate method application:openURL:options: and print out is there link passed to your App after first launch? If link is found it will be passed here. When Firebase Dynamic Links failed to retrieve the link, still there will be call to this method with "dismiss" link (this is poorly documented). If you do not see any calls to this method after first launch, this means Firebase Dynamic Links is misconfigured.
Another thing to watch out, Firebase Dynamic Links will check for pending dynamic link only after first install. You have to remove the App to force retrieving the link.
It may be worthwhile to try the first install scenario on WiFI vs Cellular. Type of the network may affect this.