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How do I find a list (multiset, size n) of integers where the root-mean-square of the set is an integer?

I already found this one

Brute force is possible of course, but are there any other ways? Is there a way to find all multisets? Is there a way to find out how many combinations exist under a certain limit?

Perhaps this question is too mathy for SO, if that is the case I'll move it.

I created my own version in javascript by generating all possible combinations of a list of numbers, then checking for integer RMS. These are sets though, not multisets.


  • Edit: I used N for sum value and K for the number of squares.

    Number of multi-sets grows fast, so N should have reasonable value. So this problem is equivalent to changing sum N by K coins with nominals 1,4,9,25... (and the number of variants might be calculated using dynamic programming).

    The simplest implementation is recursive - we just generate all possible addends. In my Delphi implementation I collect summands in string (instead of list) for simplicity.

    Note that such implementation might generate the same sequences again and again - note {5,7} end-sequence in my example. To improve performance (important for rather large values of N and K), it is worth to store generated sequences in table or map (with {N;K;Min} key). In that case generation from large summands to smaller ones would be better, because small summands give a lot of repeating patterns.

    procedure FSP(N, K, Minn: Integer; Reslt: string);
      i: Integer;
      if (K = 0) then begin
        if (N = 0) then
          Memo1.Lines.Add(Reslt); //yield result
      i := Minn;
      while (i * i <= N) do begin
        FSP(N - i * i, K - 1, i, Reslt + Format('%d ', [i]));
        i := i + 1;
    procedure FindSquarePartitions(N, K: integer);
      FSP(N, K, 1, '');
     FindSquarePartitions(101, 5);
    1 1 1 7 7 
    1 1 3 3 9 
    1 1 5 5 7 
    1 2 4 4 8 
    1 5 5 5 5 
    2 2 2 5 8 
    2 3 4 6 6 
    2 4 4 4 7 
    3 3 3 5 7