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How do I get the data from a surveillance camera to a storage I can stream from?

My sisters house was robbed Christmas evening :(

I talked with her about making a surveillance system for her. The idea is to have a system that detects intruders and then send a SMS to you while streaming it to a private website.

The hard part:

How and where do I storage the data from the camera so it's streamable?

I think I can manage to do the streaming, website and SMS server, but I need the data (fundamentation).


  • For a do-it-yourself system here is a rudimentary idea:


    1. A webcam capable of sensing motion and starting recordings. I have one from Logitech.
    2. A wireless NAS hidden away (in a closet / attic / etc)

    On this NAS, designate a folder to store the videos into.

    Write a .Net program that will monitor the folder for new files. If one is found, then send email / SMS to desired addresses.

    You should know that motion sensing cameras are easily tripped by fruit flies, spiders, pets, etc.