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Execute dynamic DDL in PL/SQL procedure through definer role permissions

I want to perform some dynamic DDL in a procedure owned by an admin user. I'd like to execute this procedure with a technical operational user with definer rights (operational user doesn't have the create table role).

The problem is the 'create table' permission is granted to the admin user through use of a role, which doesn't allow me to execute the DDL as it seems that roles don't count in named pl/sql blocks.

create or replace
  v_query_string VARCHAR2(400 CHAR) := 'CREATE TABLE TEST(abcd VARCHAR2(200 CHAR))';

  EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_query_string;


What I tried:

  • Running the procedure from a function set to AUTHID DEFINER with AUTHID CURRENT_USER on the proc (hoping the function would cascade the definer somehow)
  • Putting an anonymous block inside the function to execute the DDL (as roles seem to count in anonymous block)

If I set the AUTHID to CURRENT_USER, I can execute the procedure correctly with the admin user.

Is there any way I can work around this without granting CREATE TABLE directly to the admin user?


  • You can only set a role within a PL/SQL stored procedure/function if it has Invoker's Rights (AUTHID CURRENT_USER)(see doc). Which means that you can't use ops_user to call admin_user's procedure and then access admin_user's roles. If your DBAs insist on using a role to control the CREATE TABLE privilege, here's the approach I've seen before:

    create or replace package admin_user.role_test authid current_user is
        procedure test_permissions;
    end role_test;
    create or replace package body admin_user.role_test is
        procedure test_permissions is
            v_query_string VARCHAR2(400 CHAR) := 'begin 
    for r in (select role from session_roles) loop 
    end loop;
            for r in (select role from session_roles) loop
            end loop;
            execute immediate v_query_string;
            DBMS_SESSION.SET_ROLE('ALL EXCEPT CREATE_TABLE_ROLE'); -- restore defaults
    end role_test;
    grant execute on admin_user.role_test to ops_user;

    This will temporarily grant the role to ops_user just to execute your code. By default the ops_user should not be able to view the admin_user's package body source. You could probably wrap the package body to further protect the password. But password security aside, my biggest concern with this approach is that Oracle doesn't provide a nice way to disable a single role, so if ops_user has other password-protected roles, this code might raise an ORA-01979 when it tries to restore them.

    So, there's an answer, but I'd still recommend doing what the other commenters suggested and granting CREATE TABLE to your admin user.