I am actually using a pyopengl program to act as a socket server. At the same time the server receives commands from clients and interprets these commands and does corresponding drawing at the same time.
In case that the main thread got blocked when doing socket things I actually started a thread to do the socket server accept thing, and the updateserver socket method is called in the display loop.
class SocketServer(Thread):
def __init__ (self ):
self.serversocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM);
self.serversocket.bind(("", 7780));
self.status = -1;#not connected
self.clientsocket = None;
self.clientaddress = None;
self.clientbuffer = None;
def run(self):
print 'thread running'
while( self.status == -1 ):
(self.clientsocket, self.clientaddress) = self.serversocket.accept();
self.clientbuffer = self.clientsocket.makefile('r',0);
self.status = 0;
def getClientContent(self):
if ( not self.clientbuffer ): return "NONE CLIENT BUFFER";
return self.clientbuffer.readline();
ss = SocketServer();
def updateServerSocket():
global ss;
print ss.getClientContent();
In getClientContent
, the line self.clientbuffer.readline();
is doing a blocking call on the socket, and that is almost certainly what is causing your trouble.
What you need to do instead is have your run method do the readlines and stick the data into a queue, which the graphical display thread then reads from.